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Curriculum Vitae
Jeffery Edward Malpas
Current Position:
Distinguished Professor, research-only (since 2012), University-wide Appointment, University of Tasmania
Distinguished Visiting Professor (since 2007), Department of Philosophy, LaTrobe University
Previous Positions:
2007-2011 ARC Australian Professorial Fellow, School of Philosophy, University of Tasmania
1999-2011 Professor of Philosophy, School of Philosophy, University of Tasmania
1996-98 Associate Professor (Lecturer Level D), Philosophy, Murdoch University
1992-1996 Senior Lecturer (Lecturer Level C), Philosophy, Murdoch University
1989-1992 Lecturer, Philosophy, Murdoch University
1985‑1989 Tutor, Department of Philosophy, University of New England.
1983 Casual Lecturer, Department of Philosophy (Faculty of Arts), Australian National University.
1982 Junior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of Auckland.
Educational Qualifications:
Bachelor of Arts, History and Philosophy, University of Auckland, 1980
Master of Arts (First Class Honours), Philosophy, University of Auckland, 1982
Doctor of Philosophy, Philosophy, Australian National University, 1986
Grants, Prizes and Awards:
2010 Humboldt Research Fellow (resumption of Fellowship), Husserl-Archiv, University of Freiburg
2008 Humboldt Research Fellow (resumption of Fellowship), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
2007 Australian Research Council International Linkage Award (for 2008-09), with Karsten Thiel: ‘Genealogy and Topology: A Constellational Comparison of Nietzsche and Heidegger’
2006 University of Tasmania, Inaugural Postgraduate Supervision Award, “in recognition of significant and sustained contribution to graduate research education and training at The University of Tasmania”.
2006 Australian Research Council, Australian Professorial Fellowship (for 2007-2012) ‘Ethos and Topos: Towards an Ethics and Politics of Place’.
2005 University of Tasmania, Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Outstanding Community Engagement (as part of Centre for Applied Philosophy and Ethics)
2005 Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (for 2006-08), with Andrew Brennan: ‘Making Ethics Work: A New Model for Business and Organizational Ethics’
2004: Humboldt Research Fellow (resumption of Fellowship), Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
2003 Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (for 2004-06), with Andrew Benjamin: ‘Between the Outback and the Sea: The Place of Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Australia’
2002 Australian Research Council Linkage Grant (for 2003-04), with Jonathan Holmes, Paul Zika, David Hansen, Maria Kunda (University of Tasmania/Tasmania Museum and Art Gallery): ‘The Shifting Locus of Artistic Practice’
2000 Australian Research Council Large Grant (for 2001-03): ‘Heidegger’s Topology of Being’
1999 Joint Winner (with Gary Wickham), Bill Myers Prize, Best Essay in Political Science 1999, Australasian Journal of Political Science
1997 Humboldt Research Fellowship (for 1998-1999)
1994 Australian Research Council Large Grant (for 1995-96): ‘Body and Place’
1993 Murdoch University Special Research Grant
1989 Murdoch University Special Research Grant
Significant Administrative Positions:
- Australian Research Council Expert Advisor, Future Fellowships Advisory Committee, Australian Research Council, 2009
- Editor, Journal of Philosophy of History, 2008-(continuing)
- Australian Research Council Expert Advisor, Australian Research Council, 2004-2006.
- Director, University Theme Area, ‘Community, Place and Change’, University of Tasmania, 2004-2005
- Corresponding Editor, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2000-2008
- President, Australasian Association of Philosophy, 2001-2002
- Director, Buddhist Studies in India Exchange Program, 1999-2006
- Director, Centre for Applied Philosophy and Ethics, University of Tasmania, 2000-2006
- Head, School of Philosophy, University of Tasmania 1999-2004 & 2005
- Chair, Human Research Ethics Committee, Murdoch University, 1993-1997
- Research Manager and Chair of Research Committee, School of Humanities, Murdoch University, 1996-1997
- Murdoch/U.W.A. Joint Ethics Consultancy, promotion and overall coordination (various projects), with Prof. Andrew Brennan, 1993-94
- Chair, Philosophy Programme, Murdoch University, 1992-1997
- Section Head, Politics, Philosophy and Sociology Section, Murdoch University, 1990-1991
Significant Boards and Committees
- Member and Vice-President, Executive Committee, Australian Association of von Humboldt Fellows, 2011-continuing.
- Member, Editorial Board, Purview, 2010-(continuing)
- Member, Editorial Board Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts, 2010-(continuing)
- Member, Scientific Board, Publishing House, Mimesis, 2009–(continuing)
- Member, Scientific Board, Tropos. Rivista di ermeneutica e critica filosofica, 2008–(continuing)
- Member, Monash Awards Committee, Tasmania, 2006-continuing
- Member, Fullbright Committee, Tasmania, 2006-2008
- Member, Editorial Board, Ethics, Place and Environment, 2005-(continuing)
- Member, Editorial Board, Philosophy and Geography, 2000-2005
- Member, Editorial Board, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 1999-(continuing)
- Member, Editorial Board, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 1997-2008
- Member for Public Affairs, Council, Australasian Association of Philosophy, 2000-2003
- Elected Member, University Resources and Planning Committee, University of Tasmania, 2001-2003
- Elected Member, Board of Graduate Studies by Research, University of Tasmania, 1999-2001
Visiting Positions:
- Humboldt Research Fellow, Husserl-Archiv, University of Freiburg, Germany, 2010
- Humboldt Research Fellow, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, 2008
- Humboldt Research Fellow, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany, 2004
- Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Auckland, May 2004
- Visiting Research Fellow, Humanities Research Center, University of California at Irvine, October 2000
- Humboldt Research Fellow, Heidelberg University, Germany, 1997-99
- Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, Umea University, Umea, Sweden, May 1998.
- Visiting Professor, Department of Philosophy, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, October-November, 1997.
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California, U.S., July-November 1992 and March-April 1997
A. Monographs:
- Heidegger e a tarefa da filosofía: Escritos sobre ética e fenomenología (bilingual: Portuguese-Spanish), with Steven Galt Crowell, (Rio de Janeiro: Via Verita, 2012).
- Heidegger and the Thinking of Place (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2012).
- Heidegger’s Topology: Being, Place, World (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2006; revised paper edn. 2008); Italian translation in preparation.
- Place and Experience: A Philosophical Topography (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999; paper edn. 2007), Korean translation in preparation.
- Donald Davidson and the Mirror of Meaning (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992).
B. Edited Volumes:
- Perspectives on Human Suffering, edited Jeff Malpas and Norelle Lickiss (Dordrecht: Springer, 2012).
- Dialogues with Davidson: New Perspectives on His Philosophy, edited Jeff Malpas (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2011)
- The Place of Landscape: Concepts, Contexts, Studies, edited Jeff Malpas (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press 2011).
- Cosmopolitanism and Anti-Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Australia, edited Keith Jacobs and Jeff Malpas (Nedlands, WA: UWA Press, 2011).
- Consequences of Hermeneutics, edited Jeff Malpas and Santiago Zabala (Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 2010).
- Special issue, Why Does Language Matter to History (and History to Language)?, edited by Frank Ankersmit and Jeff Malpas, Journal of the Philosophy of History, 4.4 (2010).
- Perspectives on Human Dignity: A Conversation, edited Jeff Malpas and Norelle Lickiss (Dordrecht: Springer, 2007).
- Transcendental Heidegger, edited Steven Galt Crowell and Jeff Malpas (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007).
- Commemorative Issue on Donald Davidson, edited Maria Baghramian and Jeff Malpas, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 14 .3 (2006).
- From Kant to Davidson: Philosophy and the Idea of the Transcendental, edited by Jeff Malpas (London: Routledge, 2003).
- Gadamer’s Century: Essays in Honor of Hans-Georg Gadamer, edited by Jeff Malpas, Ulrich Arnswald and Jens Kertscher (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2002).
- Heidegger, Modernity and Authenticity – Essays in Honor of Hubert Dreyfus Vol 1, edited by Mark Wrathall and Jeff Malpas (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000).
- Heidegger, Coping and Cognitive Science – Essays in Honor of Hubert Dreyfus Vol 2, edited by Mark Wrathall and Jeff Malpas (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000).
- Death and Philosophy, ed. Jeff Malpas and Robert C. Solomon (London: Routledge, 1999); Turkish translation as Ölüm ve Felsefe, trans. Nur Küçük (İstanbul: Ithaki, 2006).
- Historical Understanding and the History of Philosophy, Philosophical Papers of Alan Donagan, Vol. 1, edited by J. E. Malpas (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1994).
- Action, Reason and Value, Philosophical Papers of Alan Donagan, Vol. 2, edited by. J. E. Malpas (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1994).
C. Articles in Refereed Journals:
- ‘Material objects, identity and the home: towards a relational housing research agenda’ (with Keith Jacobs), Housing, Theory and Society, in press – pre-release version available at
- ‘Is there an ethics of place?’, Localities 2 (2012), in press.
- ‘Building Memory’, Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts 13 (2012), in press.
- ‘The Demise of Ethics’, Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations, 8 (2012), pp.29-46.
- ‘Putting Space in Place: Relational Geography and Philosophical Topography’, Planning and Environment D: Space and Society, 30 (2012), pp.226-242.
- ‘The Place of Topology: Responding to Crowell, Beistegui, and Young’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 1(2011), pp. 295-315.
- ‘Who legislates the truth? – science, organizational governance, and democratic decision-making’ (with Andrew Brennan), Public Affairs Quarterly, 24 (2010), pp.79-96.
- ‘Truth, Narrative, and the Materiality of Memory: An Externalist Approach in the Philosophy of History’, Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (2010), pp.328-353.
- ‘The Nonautonomy of the Virtual’, Convergence, 15 (2009), pp.135-139; an earlier version of this paper appeared in Ubiquity, 9, Issue 19 (May 13, 2008 – May 19, 2008)
- ‘Home and the Place of Memory’ (with Linn Miller), Haccaeity Papers 4 (2009), pp.29-47.
- ‘Ethics and the Commitment to Truth’, Trópos. Rivista di ermeneutica e critica filosofica 2 (2009), pp.15-29.
- ‘New Media, Cultural Heritage, and the Sense of Place: Mapping the Conceptual Ground”, International Journal of Heritage Studies 15 (2008), pp.197-209.
- ‘On Not Giving Up the World – Davidson and the Grounds of Belief’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 16 (2008), pp.201-215; an earlier version of this essay appeared in Portuguese as ‘Não renunciar ao mundo: Davidson e os fundamentos da crença’, in Waldomiro José da Silva (ed.), Davidson e a Filosofia (Rio de Janeiro: DP&A Editora and Arcadia Editora, , 2005), pp.51-66.
- ‘Heidegger, Geography, and Politics’, Journal of the Philosophy of History 2 (2008) pp.185–213; an earlier version of this essay also appeared in Portuguese in Natureza Humana 11 (2009).
- ‘Lying, Deceit, and the Commitment to Truth: On Ethics in Contemporary Public Life’, International Journal for Applied Philosophy, 22 (2008), pp.1-12.
- ‘O Problema da Dependência em Ser e tempo [The Problem of Dependence in Being and Time]’, in Natureza Humana 10 (2008), pp. 183-214.
- ‘Introduction: Senses of Place’, Island 107 (2007).
- ‘Disclosing the Depths of Heidegger’s Topology: A Response to Relph”, Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology, 18 (2007), pp.9-12.
- ‘Heidegger in Benjamin’s City’, Journal of Architecture, 12 (2007), pp.489-499; reprinted in Portuguese in Portuguese in Natureza Humana 12 (2010).
- ‘From the Line to the Cube: Terroir at Liverpool Crescent’, Architectural Review Australia 97 (2006), pp.75-9.
- ‘The Duality of Work: Self Consumption and Self Creation’, Philosophy Today, 49 (2005), pp.256-63.
- ‘Truth in History: Some Conceptions and Misconceptions’, Storia della Storiographia 48 (2005), pp.100-11.
- ‘Holism, realism and truth: how to be an anti-relativist and not give up on Heidegger (or Davidson) – a debate with Christopher Norris’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 12 (2004), pp.339-56.
- ‘Place and Topography: responding to Cameron and Stefanovic’, Environmental and Architectural Phenomenology Newsletter, 15 (2004), pp.8-10.
- ‘The discomfit of strangeness’, The Philosopher’s Magazine 27 (2004), pp.34-6.
- ‘Biomedical Topoi: the dominance of space, the recalcitrance of place, and the making of persons’, Social Science and Medicine 56 (2003), pp 2343-51.
- ‘The weave of meaning: holism and contextuality’, Language and Communication 22 (2002), pp.403-19.
- ‘Comparing topographies: across paths/around place’, Philosophy and Geography 4 (2001), pp.233-240.
- ‘Between Ourselves: Philosophical Conceptions of Intersubjectivity’, International Journal of Pyschoanalysis 81 (2000), pp.587-592.
- ‘A Commitment to Community’, in Local Government Management (Official Journal of the National Institute of Municipal Management), 34 (2000/2001), p.21
- ‘The Constitution of the Mind: Kant and Davidson on the Unity of Consciousness’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, (1999), pp.1-30.
- ‘The Fragility of Robust Realism: A Reply to Dreyfus and Spinosa’, Inquiry, 42(1999), pp.89-102.
- ‘Locating Interpretation: The Topography of Understanding in Heidegger and Davidson’, Philosophical Topics 27 (1999), pp.129-148.
- ‘Unity, Locality and Agency: Bilgrami on Belief and Meaning’, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 58 (1998), pp.1-7.
- ‘Finding Place: spatiality, locality, and subjectivity’, Philosophy and Geography 3 (1998), pp.21-44.
- ‘Democracy and Instrumentalism’ (with Gary Wickham), Australian Journal of Political Science 33 (1998), pp.345-362.
- ‘The Transcendental Circle’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 75 (1997), pp.1-20.
- ‘Space and Sociality’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 5 (1997), pp.53-79.
- ‘Governance and the World: from Joe DiMaggio to Michel Foucault’ (with Gary Wickham), The UTS Review, 3 (1997), pp.91-108.
- ‘Speaking the Truth’, Economy and Society 25 (1996), pp.156-177; reprinted in Samanvaya: A Bilingual Journal for the Study of World Religions from Varanasi 2 (2001), pp.71-96.
- ‘Governance and Failure: On the Limits of Sociology’ (with Gary Wickham), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology 31 (1995), pp.37-50.
- ‘A Taste of Madeleine: Notes Towards a Philosophy of Place’, International Philosophical Quarterly 34 (1994), pp.433-451.
- ‘Self-knowledge and Scepticism’, Erkenntnis 40 (1994), pp.165-184.
- ‘Telling it Like it Was: History and the Ideal Chronicle’ (with Michael P. Levine), Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74 (1994), pp.151-172.
- ‘Retrieving Truth: modernism, post-modernism and the problem of truth’, Soundings, 75 (1992), pp.287-306; reprinted in Victor E. Taylor and Gregg Lambert (eds.), Jean François Lyotard: Critical Evaluations in Cultural Theory (London: Taylor & Francis, 2006), pp.279-294.
- ‘Analysis and Hermeneutics’, Philosophy and Rhetoric 25 (1992), pp.93-123.
- ‘Holism and Indeterminacy’, Dialectica 45 (1991), pp.47-58.
- ‘Transcendental Arguments and Conceptual Schemes: A Reconsideration of Körner’s Uniqueness Argument’, Kant‑Studien 81 (1990), pp.232-251.
- ‘Kategoriai and the Unity of Being’, Journal of Speculative Philosophy (New Series), 4 (1990), p.13-36.
- ‘The Intertranslatability of Natural Languages’, Synthese 78 (1989), pp.233-264.
- ‘Shanks, King-Farlowe and the Refutation of Davidson’, Idealistic Studies 18 (1988), pp.20‑31.
- ‘The Nature of Interpretative Charity’, Dialectica 42 (1988), pp. 17‑36.
D. Articles in Refereed Collections:
- ‘Views from a Plane: Surface, Place, and Image’, in Chan-fai Cheung and Kwok-ying Lau (eds), Earthscape, forthcoming.
- ‘Politics, Hermeneutics, and Truth’ (with Nick Malpas), in Silvia Mazzini (ed), Renewing Communism through Hermeneutics? On Vattimo and Zabala’s Hermeneutic Communism (London: Continuum, forthcoming).
- ‘Being in Question: Place and Event’, Michael Marder and Santiago Zabala (eds.), Being Shaken: Ontology and the Event (Stanford: Stanford University Press, forthcoming).
- ‘The Remembrance of Place’, in Azucena Cruz-Pierre and Don Landes (eds), The Voice of Place: Essays and Interviews Exploring the Work of Edward S. Casey (London: Continuum, in press, 2013).
- ‘The Two-fold Character of Truth: Heidegger, Davidson, Tugendhat’, in Babette Babich and Dimitri Ginev (eds.), The Multidimensionality of Hermeneutic Phenomenology (Dordrecht: Springer, in press); also in Divinatio. Studia Culturologica 34 (2011), pp.141-170.
- ‘Suffering, Compassion, and the Possibility of a Humane Politics’, in Jeff Malpas and Norelle Lickiss (eds), Perspectives on Human Suffering (Dordrecht: Springer, 2012), pp.9-21.
- ‘The Place of Mobility: Individualization, Relationality, and Contemporary Technology’, in Rowan Wilken and Gerard Goggin (eds), Mobile Technology and Place (London: Routledge, in press, 2012).
- ‘Truth in Architecture’, in V. Petridou, E. Constantopoulos, P. Pagalos (eds.), The Significance of Philosophy in Architectural Education (Athens: Michelis Foundation, 2012).
- ‘Heidegger, Space and World’, in Julian Kiverstein and Michael Wheeler (eds), Heidegger and Cognitive Science (London: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2012), pp.309-342.
- “Heidegger y el tópos del pensar”, in O. Nudler, F. Naishtat, and G. Satne (eds.), Ensayos de metafilosofía (Buenos Aires: Miño Dávila Editores, in press, 2012).
- ‘Fragility and Responsibility’, in Fina Birulés (ed), Vivir para pensar (Barcelona: Paidos, in press, 2012).
- ‘Objectivity and Self-Disclosedness: The Phenomenological Working of Art’, in Joseph Parry (ed.), Art and Phenomenology (London: Routledge, 2011), pp.54-76.
- ‘The Space of Appearance and the Space of Truth’, with Andrew Brennan) in Charles Barbour, Anna Yeatman, Magdalena Zolkos-Kavalski, Phillip Hansen (eds), Action and Appearance: Ethics and the Politics of Writing in Hannah Arendt (London: Continuum, 2011), pp.39-52.
- ‘Kant’s Geography of Reason’ (with Karsten Thiel), in Stuart Elden and Eduardo Mendieta (eds), Kant’s Geography (New York: SUNY Press, 2011), pp.195-214.
- ‘Nihilism and the Thinking of Place’, in Laurence Paul Hemming, Bogdan Costea (eds), The Movement of Nihilism (London: Continuum, 2011), pp.110-127.
- ‘On the Beach: Between the Cosmopolitan and the Parochial’ (with Linn Miller), in Keith Jacobs and Jeff Malpas (eds.), Cosmopolitanism and Anti-Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Australia (Crawley, WA: UWA Press, 2011), pp.123-149.
- ‘Place and the Problem of Landscape’, in Jeff Malpas (ed.), The Place of Landscape: Concepts, Contexts, Studies (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2011), pp.3-26.
- ‘What is Common to All: Davidson on Agreement and Understanding’, in Jeff Malpas (ed.), Dialogues with Davidson: Acting, Interpreting, Understanding (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2011), pp.259-280.
- ‘Philosophy, Topography, Triangulation’, in Maria Cristina Amoretti and Gerhard Preyer (ed.), Triangulation From an Epistemological Point of View (Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2011), pp.257-280.
- ‘Philosophy’s Nostalgia’, in Hagi Kenaan and Ilit Ferber (ed.), Philosophy’s Moods: The Affective Grounds of Thinking (Dordrecht: Springer, 2011), pp.87-104.
- ‘Reading Kant Geographically: From Critical Philosophy to Empirical Geography’ (with Günter Zöller), in Roxana Baiasu, Graham Bird and A. W. Moore (eds.), Contemporary Kantian Metaphysics: New Essays on Space and Time (London: Palgrave Macmillan, in press, 2011), pp.146-166.
- ‘Truth, Politics and Democracy: Arendt, Orwell and Camus’, in Andrew Schaap, Danielle Celermajer, and Vrasidas Karalis (eds), Power, Judgment and Political Evil: In Conversation with Hannah Arendt (Franham: Ashgate, 2010), pp.133-145.
- ‘The Thinking of World: Exploring the Significance of Heidegger’s Later Philosophy’ , in Yu Chung-Chi, Phenomenology 2010, Volume 1, Selected Essays from Asia and Pacific, Phenomenology in Dialogue with East Asian Tradition (Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2010), pp.305-326.
- ‘The Beginning of Understanding: Event, Place, Truth’, in Jeff Malpas and Santiago Zabala (eds), Consequences of Hermeneutics (Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 2010), pp.261-280.
- 25. ‘Cosmopolitanism, Branding and the Public Realm’, in Stephanie Donald, Catherine Kevin, and Eleonore Kofman (eds.), Branding Cities: Cosmopolitanism, Parochialism, and Social Change (London: Routledge, 2009), pp.189-197.
- 26. ‘The Forms of Water’, Fresh and Salt, edited Heather Goodall (London: Routledge, 2009), pp.14-19; an earlier version of this paper also appeared in Transforming Cultures eJournal 1 (2006),
- 27. ‘The Role of Memory: Image, Place and Story in the Films of Wim Wenders’, in James Phillips (ed.), Cinematic Thinking: Philosophical Approaches to the New Cinema (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008), pp.146-159.
- ‘Place and human being’, in Frank Vanclay et al (eds.), Making Sense of Place (Canberra: NMA, 2008), pp.325-331.
- ‘Building on the Line: Topography in the Practice of Architecture’, Scott Balmforth and Gerard Reinmuth (eds.), Terroir: Cosmopolitan Ground (Sydney: DAB Documents, 2007), pp.58-85.
- ‘Human dignity and human being’, in Jeff Malpas and Norelle Lickiss (eds.), Perspectives on Human Dignity: A Conversation, (Dordrecht: Springer, 2007), pp.19-26.
- ‘Cultural Heritage in the Age of New Media’, in Yehuda Kalay, Thomas Kvan and Janice Affleck (eds.), New Heritage, (London: Routledge, 2007), pp.13-26.
- ‘Heidegger’s Topology of Being’ in Transcendental Heidegger, edited Steven Galt Crowell and Jeff Malpas (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2007), pp.119-134.
- ‘Philosophizing Place in The Joshua Tree’, in Mark Wrathall (ed.), U2 and Philosophy (Chicago: Open Court, 2006), pp.45-59; a shortened version of the essay also appears at as part of a larger piece authored by George Reisch; the essay also appears in German translation as ‘Ein Platz zum philosophieren in The Joshua Tree’, in Mark Wrathall (ed), Die Philosophie bei U2, trans. (Wiley-VCH, 2009), pp.65-76.
- ‘Beginning in Wonder’, in Nikolas Kompridis, Philosophical Romanticism (London: Routledge, 2006), pp.282-98.
- ‘Sprache ist Gespräch: On Gadamer, Language and Philosophy’, Andrzej Wiercinski (ed.), Between Description and Interpretation: The Hermeneutic Turn in Phenomenology (Toronto: The Hermeneutic Press, 2005), pp.408-417
- ‘The Space of Agency’, Krister Segerberg and Risiek Sliwinski (eds.), A philosophical smorgasbord: essays on action, truth and other things in honour of Frederick Stoutland, Uppsala Philosophical Studies 52 (Uppsala University: Uppsala, 2003), pp.99-118.
- ‘Gadamer and Davidson on the Ground of Understanding’, in Jeff Malpas, Ulrich Arnswald and Jens Kertscher (eds), Gadamer’s Century: Essays in Honor of Hans-Georg Gadamer (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002), pp.195-216.
- ‘Das “Recht” auf Forshung und der Schutz menschlicher Probanden: Einige ethische Probleme in den gegenwärtigen Sozialwissenschaft’, in Ulrich Arnswald and Jens Kertscher (eds.), Herausforderungen der Angewandten Ethik (Paderborn: Mentis, 2002), pp.35-46.
- ‘From the Transcendental to the Topological: Heidegger on Ground, Unity and Limit’, in Jeff Malpas (ed.), From Kant to Davidson: Philosophy and the Idea of the Transcendental (London: Routledge, 2002).
- ‘Governing Theory: Ontology, Methodology and the Critique of Metaphysics’, in Gary Wickham and George Pavlich (eds.), Rethinking Law, Society and Governance: Foucault’s Bequest (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2001), pp.125-140.
- ‘Uncovering the Space of Disclosedness: Heidegger and the Problem of Spatiality in Being and Time’, in Jeff Malpas and Mark Wrathall (ed.), Heidegger, Modernity and Authenticity (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000), pp.205-228.
- ‘Urbanity, Modernity and the Technological’, in Helmut Bot, Christoph Hubig, Franz Pesch, & Gerhart Schröder (eds.), Stadt und Kommunikation in digitalen Zeitalter (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2000), pp.211-226.
- ‘Acting at a Distance and Knowing from Afar: Agency and Knowledge on the World Wide Web’, in Ken Goldberg (ed.), The Robot in the Garden (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000), pp.108-125.
- ‘Mapping the Structure of Truth’, in Jaroslav Peregrin (ed.), The Nature of Truth (If Any), (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1999), pp.117-128.
- ‘Death and the Unity of a Life’, in J. E Malpas and Robert C. Solomon (eds.), Death and Philosophy, (London: Routledge, 1998), pp.120-134; also in Turkish in Malpas and Solomon (eds), Ölüm ve Felsefe, trans. Nur Küçük (İstanbul: Ithaki, 2006).
- ‘The Third Mystery: Philosophy, Wonder and the World’, in Ann Sharp and Ron Reed (eds), Studies in Philosophy for Children: Pixie (Madrid: De La Torre Press, 1995).
- ‘Ontological Relativity in Quine and Davidson’, in Johannes Brandl and Wolfgang L. Gombocz (eds.), The Mind of Donald Davidson, Grazer Philosophische Studien (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990), pp.157-178.
F. Review Articles:
- ‘On the map: comments on Stuart Elden’s Mapping the Present: Heidegger, Foucault and the Project of a Spatial History’, Philosophy and Geography, 6 (2003), 213-8.
- ‘Remembering Place (Edward S. Casey, The Fate of Place)’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 10 (2002), pp.92-100.
G. Encyclopedia and Reference Articles:
- ‘Existentialism as Literature’, in The Cambridge Companion to Existentialism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), pp.291-321.
- ‘Immigration, Indigeneity and Identity: Cosmopolitanism in Australia and New Zealand’, (with Keith Jacobs) in Gerard Delanty (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Cosmopolitan Studies (London: Routledge, 2012), pp.516-526.
- ‘Truth in Politics’ (with Nicholas Malpas), Antonella Besussi (ed.), Handbook of Political Philosophy (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2012).
- ‘Death’, Michael Gibbons (ed.), Encyclopedia of Political Thought (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012).
- ‘Orr, Sydney Sparkes’, in Companion to Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand (Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, 2010), pp.340-342.
- ‘Martin Heidegger’, in Robert C. Solomon and David Sherman (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2003), pp.143-62.
- ‘Davidson, Donald’, in Encyclopedia Americana (New York: Grolier, 2001).
- ‘Donagan, Alan’, in Encyclopedia of Ethics, ed. Lawrence Becker and Charlotte Becker (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998, 2nd edn.).
- ‘Davidson, Donald Herbert’, in Encyclopedia of Empiricism, ed. Edward Barbanell and Don Garrett (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Publishing, 1997).
H. Electronic Publications:
- ‘Breath and Revelation’, Invited essay, Inspirational Landscapes, Australian Heritage Commission,
- ‘Davidson, Donald’, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, www\\; first published Wed May 29, 1996; 3rd substantive revision, Mon Jun 29, 2009; reprinted in Polish translation by Piotr Agier in Hybris 7 (accessed 24/8/09).
- ‘Gadamer, Hans-Georg’, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, www\\; first published Mon Mar 3, 2003; 1st substantive revision Mon Jun 8, 2009.
I. Conference Proceedings
1. ‘Heidegger, Place, and Contemporary Philosophy’, in Trevor R. Finlayson (ed.), Preserving the Humboldt Tradition of Scholarship in Australasia, Proceedings of the 14th Biennial Conference of the AAHF (Melbourne: AAHF, 2012), pp.35-42
2. ‘Sitting Within the University’, in Terry Cutler (ed), Designing Solutions to Wicked Problems: A Manifesto for Transdisciplinary Research and Design (Melbourne: RMIT Design Research Centre, 2009), 67-72.
2. ‘Cultural heritage in the Age of New Media’, in Thomas Kvan and Yehuda Kalay (eds.), New Heritage: Beyond Verisimilitude, Proceedings of the New Heritage Conference, (Hong Kong: School of Architecture, HKU, 2006), pp.161-181.
3. ‘Acção, Intencionalidade e Conteúdo’, in João Sàágua (ed.), A Explicação da Interpretação Humana: Proceedings of the Conference Mind and Action III, May 2003 (Lisbon: Edições Colibri, 2005), pp.345-35
J. Published Interviews
- With Lynda Burns, in Nick Trakakis (ed), Australasian Philosophy (Lexington Books, 2012).
- With Paul Ennis, in Paul John Ennis, Post-Continental Voices: Selected Interviews (Alresford, Hants.: Zero Books, 2010), pp.19-34; originally online at ahb,
- With Laureano Ralo (electronic publication), Figure/Ground,
K. Media (Print, Radio, TV, Online):
- Interview and talkback on nostalgia and Australian identity – Life Matters’, ABC Radio National, August 7, 2009.
- ‘Borderless Art Made Tongue-Tied by Authority” (with Andrew Brennan), The Australian, Higher Education Supplement, 1/7/2008.
- ‘Researchers Drowning in Paperwork’ (with Andrew Brennan), The Australian, Higher Education Supplement, 16/4/2008.
- Interview on resignation of Tasmanian Deputy Premier Steve Kons, ABC Television News Tasmania, 9/4/2008.
- Interview on ‘Ethics at Work’, Life Matters, ABC Radio National, 1/4/2008,
- ‘Talking ‘bout a Revolution’ (with Andrew Brennan), On-Line ABC, invited Op-Ed piece, 28/3/2008,
- “Who is Vaile Serving?” (with Andrew Brennan), ABC Online, invited Op-Ed piece, posted 10/03/08,
- ‘Universities have been starved of support’ (with Andrew Brennan), On Line Opinion: Australia’s e-journal of social and political debate, invited Op-Ed piece, posted 18/12/07,
- ‘Changing it all: new leadership’s ethical challenges’, ABC Online, invited Op-Ed piece, posted 10/12/07,
- Interview on the need for Rudd Government to take action on universities, ABC Television National News, 9/12/2007.
- ‘You can’t stop process’, ABC Online, invited Op-Ed piece, posted 7/8/07,
- Interview as part of ‘Leigh Hobba – The Space of Presence‘, on work of artist Leigh Hobba, ‘Into the Music’, ABC Radio National, 15 September 2007 –
- Interview on ethics in government, Radio National Breakfast, ABC Radio National, 31 July 2007
- Interview on “Pulp Trust”, ABC TV Stateline Tasmania, broadcast 23/03/2007,
- Interview on “Corruption Commission”, ABC TV Stateline Tasmania, broadcast 06/10/2006,
- Interview on place, solitude and the city – ‘The Comfort Zone’, 18 May 2006, ABC Radio National.
- Interview and talkback on objects as repositories of memory – Life Matters’, ABC Radio National, 28 January 2005.
- Fortnightly, ‘Report from Germany’, ABC Local Radio 7ZR 936 AM, June -October 2004
- Regular monthly radio session (often including talkback) with ABC Local Radio 7ZR 936 AM linked to topic for Philosophy Café, 2001-2004, & 2005-2006, and resumed March 2010 as weekly ‘Talk to the Philosopher’ half hour show; also occasional commentary at other times on matters of public interest.
L. Reports
- (as part of GE Experts Advisory Group), Report on GE Technology in Tasmania, commissioned by Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, June 2001 (plus separate reports on chrysanthemums, poppies, canola).
- (with Kim Atkins), Review of Tasmanian Police Ethics Training, Tasmania Police Academy, commissioned by Tasmania Police, December 2000
M. Book Reviews:
- ‘David Morris, The Sense of Space’, Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (2008), pp.155-158.
- ‘Donald Davidson, Truth, Language, and History’, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 4/2/2006,
- ‘Kirk Ludwig (ed), Donald Davidson’, Philosophical Quarterly 55 (2005), pp.522-524.
- ‘Alejandro A. Vallega, Heidegger and the Issue of Space. Thinking on Exilic Grounds’, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 11/6/2004,
- ‘J. N. Mohanty, The Self and its Other. Philosophical Essays’, Mind 111 (2002), pp.701-703.
- ‘Simon Glendinning, On Being With Others: Heidegger, Derrida, Wittgenstein’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 8 (2000), pp.253-6.
- ‘Martin Heidegger, Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics, trans. Richard Taft’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 77 (1999), pp.242-3.
- ‘Robert B. Pippin, Idealism as Modernisn, Hegelian Variations’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, (1998), pp.295-7.
- ‘Gerhard Preyer, Frank Siebelt and Alexander Ulfig (eds.), Language, Mind and Epistemology. On Donald Davidson’s Philosophy,’ Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 74 (1996).
- ‘Michael Luntley, Reason, Truth and Self: The Postmodern Reconsidered’, International Journal of Philosophical Studies 5 (1997), pp.467-70.
- ‘Akeel Bilgrami, Meaning and Belief’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 73 (1995), pp.473-475.
- ‘Sören Stenlund, Language and Philosophical Problems’, Theoria 61 (1995), pp.95-102.
- ‘Ethics and Danger: Essays on Heidegger and Continental Thought’, Canadian Philosophical Reviews 14 (1994), pp.85-87.
- ‘Bjørn Ramberg, Donald Davidson’s Philosophy of Language: An Introduction’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 68 (1990), pp.475-477.
- ‘Joseph Wayne Smith, Essays on Ultimate Questions’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 67 (1989), pp.361-363.
- ‘Bruce Aune, Metaphysics; The Elements’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 67 (1989), pp.100-102.
- ‘R. Harré, Varieties of Realism’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 66 (1988), pp.253‑256.
- ‘G.N. Schlesinger, The Intelligibility of Nature’, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 65 (1987), pp. 344‑346.
N. Catalogue Essays:
- ‘On Nothing, the Empty, and What is Not: Responding to Mark Themann’s “3 Voids”‘, Mark Themann (ed.), Go Into This Space (Berlin: Revolver Publishing by VVV, 2013).
- ‘Long Drop into Water’, in David Cross (ed.), Iteration:Again 13 Public Artworks Across Tasmania (Hobart: CAST, 2013).
- At the Threshold: The Edge of Liminality (Hobart: Carnegie Gallery, 2008).
- Repetitions: Leigh Hobba, Ciara Moore, Martin Walsh, Daniel von Sturmer (Plimsoll Gallery, University of Tasmania, Hobart, 2008).
- Breathing Space: Leigh Hobba and the Uncertainty of Presence (with Jonathan Holmes and Leigh Hobba) (Hobart: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, 2007).
- Wunderkammer ‘02 (Hobart: Plimsoll Gallery, University of Tasmania, 2002).
O. Completed Postgraduate Supervisions
- Adrian J. Staples, ‘Heidegger’s Language’, PhD, awarded 2013, University of Tasmania
- James Stewart, ‘Nourishing the Dhamma: Vegetarianism and Animal Nonviolence in Theravāda Buddhism’, PhD, awarded 2012, University of Tasmania
- Brendan Triffett. ‘The Plurally Possessed: Gift and Participation in the Theo-ontology of John Milbank’, PhD, awarded 2011, University of Tasmania
- Justin Shimeld, ‘Nothing Transcended: An examination of the metaphysical implications of interdependence’, PhD, awarded 2011, University of Tasmania
- Cullen Joyce, ‘Created Motion in Maximus the Confessor- A Dynamicist Reading’, PhD, awarded 2010, University of Tasmania.
- Jes Villa, ‘The Ethics of Money’, PhD, awarded 2010, University of Tasmania
- John Green, ‘Kant, Causality, and Synthesis’, PhD, awarded 2010, University of Tasmania.
- Tess Saunders, ‘Authenticité, Ambiguity and Freedom: Recuperating the Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir for a Contemporary Ethics of Ambiguity’, PhD, awarded 2009, University of Tasmania.
- Kristi Giselsson, ‘Grounds for Respect: Accountability, Value and Justice’, PhD, awarded 2009, University of Tasmania.
- Andrew Piskun, ‘Transformation in Knowledge: The Aristotelian Concepts of Actuality and Potentiality and the Cartesian Method’. PhD, awarded, 2009, University of Tasmania.
- Eilidh St John, ‘Putting Religion in its Place’, PhD, awarded 2008, University of Tasmania
- Linn Miller, ‘Being and Belonging’, PhD, awarded 2006, University of Tasmania.
- Bruce Wilson, ‘The Metaphysics of Connection – Discreteness, Continuity and In-discreteness’, PhD, awarded 2007, University of Tasmania.
- Hannah Jenkins ‘Beyond Beliefs – A Philosophical Examination of Anomalous Phenomena and Explanation Theory’, PhD, awarded 2007, University of Tasmania.
- Stone Lee, ‘The Mere Real Thing and Beyond – An Alternative Perspective on Everyday Life through the Appropriation of Commonplace Things in the Context of Contemporary Life’, PhD, awarded 2006, University of Tasmania.
- Colin Langridge, ‘An Investigation into the Ontological Significance of Sculptural Objects’, PhD, awarded 2006, University of Tasmania.
- Robyne Conway, ‘The Virtues They Needed to Have – A Brief History of the Virtues from Homer to Hume and How Virtue enabled Communities to Survive and Thrive’, MA, awarded 2005.
- Anna Taitslin, ‘Intellectualism versus Voluntarism in the development of Natural Law from Zeno to Grotius’, PhD, awarded 2004, University of Tasmania.
- Pauline Enright ‘Complex Persons’, PhD, awarded 2002, University of Tasmania
- James Phillips, ‘Heidegger’s People – From the State to Poetry’, PhD, James Andrew Phillips, awarded 2002, University of Tasmania.
- Bruce Wilson, ‘Emotional Experience’, MA, awarded 2001, University of Tasmania.
- Lubica Ucnik, ‘A Discourse on Rights: Slovakia’s Quest for Statehood and the Heritage of the Enlightenment’, PhD, awarded 2001, Murdoch University.
- Pedro Tabensky, ‘Eudaimonia: Personhood, Community, Purpose’, PhD, awarded 1999, Murdoch University.
- Stephan Millett, ‘Autopoiesis and Immanent Teleology: Toward an Aristotelian Environmental Ethic’, PhD, awarded 1997, Murdoch University,